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US forces free captain from pirates


The high-stakes drama had captured global attention, partly because it marked the first act of piracy against a US ship in more than a century, but also because the pirates managed to keep the most powerful navy in the world at bay.

Somali pirates, who make millions in ransoms, have stepped up attacks in vital Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean waterways since March after a lull earlier this year.

It was unclear on Sunday whether US sailors rescued Mr Phillips after another attempted escape, or whether they conducted a covert operation to free the Vermont man.

high stakes いちかばちかの

ransom 身代金

lull 一時的休み、小康状態

covert 内密の、こっそりした

投稿者 r6qe8m | 返信 (0) | トラックバック (0)

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