Banker fury over tax ‘witch-hu ... | r6qe8m | ヘルプ | タグ一覧 | アカウント登録 | ログイン

Banker fury over tax ‘witch-hunt’


Bankers on Wall Street and in Europe have struck back against moves by US lawmakers to slap punitive taxes on bonuses paid to high earners at bailed-out institutions.

The banker added: “It’s like a McCarthy witch-hunt...This is the most profoundly anti- American thing I’ve ever seen.”

“The work we have all done to try to stabilise the financial system and to get this economy moving again would be significantly set back if we lose our talented people because Congress imposes a special tax on financial services employees,” he wrote.

The outcry followed Thursday’s approval by the House of Representatives of a bill that would impose 90 per cent tax on bonuses to employees whose gross income exceeded $250,000 at bailed-out firms.

Next week the Senate will also consider a hefty tax on bail-out bonuses amid calls for an investigation into who was responsible for allowing the pay-outs.

Bankers at Deutsche Bank said it could benefit from the proposed legislation by poaching its US rivals’ most talented employees.

punitive 罰の,刑罰の

profoundly 深く; 深遠に; 心から

impose 〈義務・罰・税などを〉〔人に〕負わせる

outcry (大衆の)抗議

hefty かなりの、相当の

poach 〈他人の考え,労働者などを〉不正手段で取る,盗む

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