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Goldman executive’s share sale capped


Top Goldman Sachs executive Jon Winkelried, will be barred from selling most of his shares in the bank when he steps down as one of its presidents at the end of this month because of a provision in the 2008 deal to sell a stake to Warren Buffett.

The agreement with Mr Buffett was noteworthy because Mr Winkelried – who remains co-chief operating officer and president until he steps down – will still be bound by the contract after he leaves Goldman.

An avid horseman, he owns a ranch in Colorado.

bar 〔+目+from+doing〕〔…しないように〕〈…を〉妨げる,はばむ

noteworthy 注目すべき; 顕著な

bound 〈人を〉(法律・契約などで)〔ある状態に〕縛る

avid 貪欲(どんよく)な

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