Fiat setback in plans for Euro ... | r6qe8m | ヘルプ | タグ一覧 | アカウント登録 | ログイン

Fiat setback in plans for European group


Fiat said on Monday that a decision on a future headquarters for the merged group would be “premature”, but added: “Opel is a German company, so it needs a headquarters in Germany.”

Alongside Fiat, up to six other suitors remain in the running for a stake in Opel/Vauxhall and the rest of GM Europe, two people close to GM said on Monday.

fiat 許可,認可

setback (進歩などの)妨げ

premature 時期尚早

suitor (男性の)求婚者

in the running 競走に加わって; 勝算があって

投稿者 r6qe8m | 返信 (0) | トラックバック (0)

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