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Freddie Mac’s finance chief found dead


Mr Kellermann’s wife reported an apparent suicide, according to local media accounts. Police said that there was no evidence of foul play.

Mr Moffett’s temporary replacement is John Koskinen, who had been serving as Freddie Mac’s board chairman. Mr Koskinen said: “We extend our deepest condolences to David’s family and loved ones for this terrible personal tragedy.”

Mr Kellermann, 41, became acting chief financial officer of Freddie Mac last September, after it was placed under conservatorship by the government.

Freddie Mac is also under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia, the company disclosed in a recent regulatory filing.

apparent 明白な

foul ひどい,卑劣な

condolence 哀悼のことば,弔詞

conservator (博物館などの)管理委員,管理者

attorney (委任状で正式に代行を委任された)代理人

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